Published On: June 16, 2020

Zookeeper protects animals in his own home

During the January 2020 bushfires, like many other properties on the southern coast of NSW, Mogo Zoo was severely impacted.

Mogo Zoo – Mogo, NSW
Davey Master Dealer – New Bay Mowers, Bateman’s Bay, NSW

Product Donated – 5170Y Firefighter

During the January 2020 bushfires, like many other properties on the southern coast of NSW, Mogo Zoo was severely impacted. Mogo Zoo was in the firing line of the raging 31,000 hectare ‘Clyde Mountain’ fire.

Heroically, the staff at Mogo Zoo risked their own lives, with equipment they had on the property, to save as many animals as possible. Two calls for emergency services were put in, but not a single fire truck made it. Chad Staples – Mogo Zoo Director, and 12 staff went through all the fire extinguishers available at the zoo. They also used two IBC’s and small water pumps to try and fight the fires. They wet hessian bags to try and put out spot fires across the 81 hectares. Thankfully, they managed to save the zoo’s buildings.

The staff at Mogo and Zookeeper Chad, must be commended for their efforts, and their extraordinary bravery in trying to contain the bushfire but also protect what mattered most – their family, the animals. 15 zookeepers were tasked with protecting 200 animals. The smaller animals were evacuated into Chad’s home, and larger ones moved into night enclosures. All 200 animals were confirmed safe after the hero zookeepers stayed to save them.

Davey’s donation of a Firefighter 5170Y – will be the perfect companion should there be another fire event as severe as this one.

Davey wish the Mogo Zoo family all the very best and again commend them on their bravery during what was a terrifying time.

Read full media coverage:

SMH | Nine | Daily Mail